Monday, June 30, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Chances lost
I saw her for the first time in 21 years. I did not believe that I'd still recognize her, especially as I wasn't expecting to see her. Not at that moment, not like that. It was a very crowded bus stop and she just appeared like a vision before me. She had grown up a lot and a lot of her features had considerably matured. She was now a woman. The innocence was no longer in her eyes like I knew it back then. It was neither in mine. I knew we both had changed, I hoped I would not recognize her again but her eyes had not lost its glimmer. After all these years I could still remember those eyes. In the midst of my uncertainty and dilemma I just stood there and did nothing as she walked past me. She couldn't recognize me or was she just exhausted from a busy day at work? Whatever it was that happened in that moment, I let her pass me by. I could have called out her name and maybe then she would recognize me and run into my arms and say "oh, I have been waiting for this day" or something of the like. I just watched her pass, I could have done the spooky thing and follow at a safe distance to locate her house or destination. I assumed she would always come through this route for some reason I can't make sense of now but after 3 years of going to that bus stop by everyday hoping to see her again, I guess I will never get another chance to see her. I can only console myself that it was never meant to be. I have lost the opportunity to meet my IFUNANYA.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Super Eagles, Brazil and Pharell Williams "Happy".
Meanwhile, i'd keep listening to Sergio Mendes rendition of "masqenada" till after the game with Argentina.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Sunday, June 1, 2014
What to be
Its easy
Good or bad
Evil is much deeper
But only one
Not both
Good is good
Bad is good
Evil is better
Be good
Or be evil
Be the best however
At being whatever
But be
The good in evil
Or the evil in good
There is no middle ground
check this out

we can!