Friday, November 15, 2013

What would you do?

So, let us say you are married and have been marries for 5 years now, and you have been observant. You know your husband even before you tied the knot with him, you observed his sexual calendar and patterns. He always comes on to you every 3 or 4 days for the pleasures of intimacy with you, his wife and let’s assume you refused to let him have the ‘cookies’ before marriage but after marriage you allowed him put his ‘hands in the cookie jar’. He likes sex with his wife and no matter the stress at the office he would always want you in 3 or 4 days after the last encounter, that is not saying that he doesn’t want you after 1 day, but you observe his libido peaks after 72 odd hours without sexual intimacy with you. Even when he is away on long trips out of town, he calls you and has some rather X- rated conversations with you on the phone just to keep it spicy till he returns. You go and see a shrink (psychologist) at some random point and you not only confess that you love your husband but that you actually enjoy the sex (we are assuming you are being completely honest here).
For the past 5 years, he has been the one coming on to you, day and night , for the sex you both enjoy and on several occasions, some beyond your control (we assume he understands those situations), you send him away with blue balls. All these for 5 years with you rarely making any advances on to him. Remember that he has a cycle of 72 odd hours for his libido to peak and then all of a sudden, its 3 weeks and he hasn’t touched you and given you the suggestive look of want, of desire, of lust and ever blazing passion. You are holding yourself from assuming he is cheating on you (the only sane conclusion in these modern times) but you don’t do anything to catch his eye for another 3 weeks. Now it is 6 weeks and no form of intimacy, he has long conversations with you but no body contact, no flame in his eye, no bulge in his pants. What would you do?
You could assume he is cheating on you, which would explain the loss of libido after 72 hours towards you, even if there is no proof, but then again, he is only a man, he would always give in to his 72 hour rush one way or the other.
You could also assume he is finally tired of trying and waiting for you to take the lead, if you recall he never complains about your multiple rejections and he is open about what he wants. Maybe he wants you to meet him half way, but this is probably not the reason, just an excuse he would come up with when you eventually confront him with the infidelity accusation, albeit without any proof what so ever.
Whatever you assume, please, please and please, try at least once to seduce him and see the ignited flame back in his eyes, the passion and desire rekindled and the joy of also being wanted in his heart. He still loves you. You know this and you in turn still love him. Make it work. SEDUCE HIM.
So as we assume this couple is married, there may be one or two of you out there who are not yet married, don’t try this (but you don’t listen do you?). Not all men cheat and not all girls are sluts. Try seducing your partner once in a while. If it where you always on the receiving end, always being seduced, you now know what to do

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we can!