Thursday, January 17, 2019


I saw her again and I knew this was another opportunity lost
I saw her like I had seen her many times before
I saw her and it was not the ideal time.
I had seen her when I had nothing to lose
I had seen her when I had it all to lose
And seeing her was a loss in itself
Knowing I could not get the chance to pour out my soul at her feet like I wanted to
I saw her and wished I didn't see her.
And From the first time I saw her I knew I wanted her.
each time the opportunity came, the opportunity went as quickly
With me kicking myself for not been brave enough.
I saw her today and felt the same way I felt the first time I saw her .
And 4 years later I had changed , she had changed too
But seeing her was not about what the eyes saw
Was more about what the heart felt
And even if I'm too old for my heart to melt
It felt as real as it could be .
I saw her again today and like all the other times I had seen her before,
I said nothing
I just watched her pass me by.
I said to myself " the next time"
I hope that the next time would be better for me
Till then .
If you see her just tell her this .
I'd like to get to know you better

check this out

check this out
we can!